Tuesday, September 05, 2006

UPDATE Harassing the city's homeless

August 25, 2006


Suspects were drunk, seeking trouble, police say By KATE HOWARD Staff Writer When two murder suspects went downtown to Second Avenue two weeks ago, Metro police said Thursday, they were drunk and intent on harassing the city's homeless. Timothy Webber, 21, of Tribble Lane in Lebanon and Josh Dotts, 22, of Smalling Road in Lafayette were arrested Thursday in the death of Tara Cole, 32, a homeless woman who drowned Aug. 11 after she was pushed into the Cumberland River.

For eight years (1999-2006), the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) has tracked a frightening increase in crimes targeting homeless people perpetrated by young people and severely disturbed individuals. These are well-documented violent attacks on a vulnerable population that result in injury and in many cases death.