Mize dysfunctional brothers have dunn the same thing. Wheez from the cuntree now theyd rund us relics out of Atlanta. UNO what Eyes mean. Don't miss OTHER PEOPLES KIDS latte in this blog.
Wahoo, earth. Mary Ellens (kitty porn) yucks
happy cat hare.
Steen only allows her 2 girls to have animals in the house, not Deb. Theys has a chicken and a snowflake. 
The fact that Ernest could be fucking Grace ain't making Steen happy either. Eyes demand this career minded thirty something adult woman have an abortion when Eyes discover she is hiding a pregnancy. YES, it appears that Eyes suffer from WHORE MADONNA COMPLEX... Kilz the bastard or get on the racist welfare plan. Eyes never dreamed she would go the welfare route. Dale Perry & Steen demands marriage when low and behold welfare and marriage don't mix. Eyes hate babies.
Married white women with children getting divorced aren't allowed support (AFDC) when staying at a battered womens shelter. Theys (who ever theys r) decided this and waited over 3.5 years later. Tom camp wares U when all of this was going on? Deb will do this shit (payback) to someone else, just weight and C. Double or nut'n on Titans, Checks.

WHINE… Eyes want a new fishing and party pontoon boat. Eyes believe in these choices. After all, eyes got to snooze somewhere. Eyes have a long history of this kind of behavior. Sex selection is a must. I'm an old fart, AKA the old man T. Eyes won't live long enough to abuse a female as long as they deserve, vile creatures. Eyes physically abuse her. Eyes abuse her for so long that eyes can't even show up at dinner because eyes afraid. You stay Brad. Eyes throw food such as green beans on the floor and on the walls because eyes yam a mental midget and eyes have a toddler mentality. Eyes expect my wife or anyone else (mother died) thatz handy to clean up after my mental midget out bursts. CLINTON hadn't bin hear fore 0 of that, he just wants to fuck Vicki. Guess who b having affair wit Vicki? Has Steen bin notified about this?"GET A ROOM"
Hell Granny got a trailer. Great Balls of Fire Granny spied a fire ball in the seventies. Raze ain't 2 happy about it. MINE, MINE, MINE.
During one(1) of our more romantic knights eyes pitch a lamp out the closed screened upstairs
bedroom window and my
South Carolina Trans Am hoods dented in the "Heat of the Night." That ain'tz all thatz happened.
The effects linger for years.
H2O damage takes over the lower portion of "my" $100,000 home. JUDGE DAVID MOTES SAYS SEW. "Itz mine, mine, mine." The question is WARE is my waterproofing man? No housekeeping for debs or childcare. Of course eventually eyes will whine about this also. If eyes find out she has healthcare eyes would be there in a few hours. Free Medication. Fuck it... free TENNCARE is over. She put a stop to it, works. Don't get to far away, that's fuck'd up 2, over with.
Bitch got demoted like all "breeders" should be.when sheez had a baby, she and that big rug rat got to sleep down there. Yawls sEE howls bad he looks compared 2 those other nursery babies, Bitch ain’t noSE good at anything. If uSE in the habit of producing garbage and alot of uSE "R" thans uSE will want him, ENjoy. Architecture like this will never be reproduced. Don’t yawls even try to make anything good out of yawls disgusting situation. EYES don't want them upstairs with me. Ditch the molded sheet rock and break out the KILZ.
On another romantic occasion eyes take her out to dinner, knott diner Kris and put dead flies in her plate. YUM! Happy Birthday Debs. I can knott spend the night at "my" home Eyes have to go fishing with the "good old boys" because Eyes afraid to go to sleep. Eyes shoot the windows out of my own vehicles "duh" and anyone else it appears is helping her. PS says, “MOVE.” Eyes stand outside her homes and yell curse and scream. Eyes dream of being a drill sergeant.
IT" when Eyes got them. Eyes won't deliver on the wheels or the horn, don't mean that eyes won't steal the phone & divorce agreement during Athens GA visitation. Like it never happened. Eyes want to keep the VAN in my name, demand that she ensure (eyes cheap when it comes to Debs) it en order to gain access to her home at 173A Lexington Hts., Athens, GA. The Appalachian unit. Eyes walked out after 30 minutes of marriage therapy with Tom oinks Crap. Her guilt is over, dam it Larry & Mary Coker. Takes the family to CHEROKEE abused them, 
leaves me again.
Eyes call debs jobs, local law enforcement, her family & her landlords. Eyes call the cabinet snooping YUK YANKEE neighbors that damage my equipment. Eyes blame it on debs. Nick Dodge ran over son in his truck. Nick Dodge from New York and Atlanta, Bert and Don his parents. Scared of a lady bug? Call the exterminater. Don writes bad checks. Don wants cc deb's in a bikini. Eyes standing right there, SCORE!
Eyes make her forsake her education, looks like son ain't going to be going to head start no moores either. Anyone Eyes can "enlist" becomes my best friend. Eyes have a list of friends that Eyes don't mind backstabbing when the time is wright. No WHINE b4 itz time.
LIARS CORNER... my brother in law T. Scoggins taught me how to do this. He was born a pathological liar. He is married to my fat ass sister Linda. Papa Paul works at the Post Office, Jean don't do anything except fiddle with cloth and constantly remodel the same house, over and over and over again. Dumps old garbage off to the side of the road. Keep coming back.
OMG thar goes debs and Linda to Home Depot. Eyes want that relationship over. No more getting together for drinks, eating, talking, gardening, don't touch the pot'd plants. Stop shop'n, having children, housekeeping, reading books and magazines, sewing or having fun. Using a computer is the last fucking straw witch and what the fuck is this voting shit has the whole goddam world gone crazy. Newt has affairs.
It is 0 business Linda who poor Tom is fucking in your house while yews at work. Stop calling Deb . Somebody said there's a Polytikin n there. Tits Debbie Lee was inn2 giving him a ring.
Brad needs HELP.
Eyes act like the "self proclaimed" native american trash Eyes am several times in order to make her leaves,
move or be evicted. Eyes do this because I have a " born in a barn mentality." Birch stills got that INDIAN MOTORCYCLE parked in his barn? Eyes have lots of friends with the same IQ. Eyes refuse her medical and dental care. Unless Eyes can get pills... SCORE! Does this involve CLINTON? KEEP THE KLARKE KOUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT OUT OFF HEARS.
Brother Donny what are you doing in there? Hauled ass to Floyd Street. That is not your wife. Don't you have a daughter from a previous marriage? gimme Jackie's pills... Eyes manipulate Jackie, she is a Rev Stanley girl. Yeah boob tube preacher Rev Stanley, phreaking the library where Deb's is working. Guess who else was manipulated into interrupting Deb's on her job? DFACS...Pack a lunch, bring the kids, hell stay all day!
Get out of Deb's supply closet Jackie. Jackie must be wearing those government stamp issued panties. Yellow in front brown in back. Debs wears renagade panties if she has any at all. Sneaks up on U. Thieves... These folks ditched the farm & house after the flood and went to Floyd Street.
Eyes know 0 about John the UGA rapist or throwing her out of the car in ATLANTA while on my way to the Crystal Palace. Who me, ripping her clothes off and attempting to stab her with a screwdriver. Let's don't go into the shopping cart assault at Harrys in Atlanta. Eyes can't drive a shop'n cart. Eyes abuse in front of anyone. What'cha gonna do about it? Son was in the cart. If Eyes hurt them bad enough mentally or physically Eyes can SCORE. She's Madd because Eyes forgot 2 turn on " music" before it happened. Eyes know nothing about holding hostages on Mothers ODay, quilt suffocation, raw pork, (trik'n, need pills for that?) chicken, beef or any other "meat" product.
Need a meat thermometer? Don't let T. Sanders 30529 in the house when he comes over here. You and he/she have been knowing each other long enough. Party Animals! Regan is some kind of brother of his, lives in 30529.

Hello again
Eyes was snooping in on the line again seems DanYELL and Debs don't want twos tell anyone who the sperm donater was 4 the daughter Priscilla. What if they did tell.
Yes EYES did threaten to have her and the son bombed. What would EYES know about them knotts showing up in Atlanta together. What happened in Chattyville?Not that Eyes control my van, MINE, MINE, MINE.
Sweetie EYES heard through the grapevine (whose running that) you barely escaped with you life for what its worth "0" on three (3) separate occasions.
Meow... Eyes off my rocker... when EYES discovered she has experimented with women. Happy Birthday TN Flag. The Lizzie Apartments would be more your kind of place than these NO MANS LAND shelters you live in. Ten (10) years is a reflection on the staff infections and system. Lovely ain't thays.
IF the homeless don't LOOK and SMELLS good, yawls don't LOOK good or smell good. Pew Fowl.