Eyes found out about Eric Norris, before Eyes found out about hymns Eyes found out about these other BOZO's that called themselves lawyers. Walls, anyway uSE C wares sheez at.
Theys no good.
Collins and Trettal
Sweet 113 480 East Broad Street
Athens, GA 30601
(706)359-7898Eyes knott sure ware below figures inn the "picture."
Attorney ED This *** has been married for 40 years and continually cheats on his wife. He strung my friend along and gave her HERPES. He is a liar and a egomaniac. Typical of most lawyers, he thinks the world revolves around him. His wife is actually aware that he cheats and she stays with him for his
money. He doesn't get a divorce because she has information on him that keeps him in place. Some of that info is that he gave her herpes and as a result she has health problems. Do not trust this man. He is a shameless predator and does not disclose his VD. He will pretend he is going to leave his wife but he has no intention of doing so. He will cause you nothing but a broken heart and poor health.
Eric Norris 29 S. Main Street Whatkinsville, GA 30677
His phreaking number is (706)769-9522
This site may contain links to external activities or organizations not in support of The Nashville Rescue Mission and/or sum "other" Homeless Service Agencies. These groups do not exercise responsibility over the content at the destination link.
This lawyer has got to be a phreak if he lets her do this shit. These people "R" hippies. Eyes starting to act and sound more like my old man David every year.Bring sum whine and patchouli oil, knott.
Eyes heard that... Get gone disgusting, shallow kkling-ons ,always want to hang around to look good. Dreams of being a pimp, need a baby sitter for their rugrats and a maid like I did I'm sure. Wasting urls thyme and offers nothing substantial in the return. Y say Basil? ...Pimps
MINE, MINE, MINE! Of course eventually I will whine about this also.
Disgruntled House Husbands I don't like this. SCENE© at the Queer Folks Rally with her Atlanta pals. I have had all kinds of reports about her going to concerts, games, museums such as the War Museum, dancing, TACA Craft Fair, making eyes at a lampmaker. Hadley park at a concert. Well hell she going to go to a summer of lunch-time concerts at The Nashville Main Library, women's shows, conventions. Goodness PARTHENON took 4 years, need medical attention?
Sunday, June 26 from 12:30 - 4:30
will be a FREE ADMISSION DAY to the Parthenon. The Parthenon is located in Centennial Park and is open Tuesday-Saturday, 9:00 - 4:30; Sunday 12:30 - 4:30 June, July, AugHaving a BLAST. SCENE© Gambling and dealing from a different deck than the rest of us. Inn the Capitol, grab'n a smoke. YEP! GET UP of all things the bitch is at BonnaWho™. HIPPIES! Eyes had new information that Deb was at BonnaWoo 2007.
Who ever the fuck theys is.
Inn 1970,'The Isle of Wight Act' was passed by Parliament to ban all future festivals until 2002. Has this got anything to do with Clinton?
Heading over to VANDY. enjoying the Methodist fancy egg show. Inn thars a little to long for my taste. Two (2) NOW get togethers. Fourth of July in Nashville. Munchies with the Korean Meth Church at the downtown Park. HAY RED! Doing something w/Andy Warhol. Mercy! There she is wrap'n & dancing on Eighth Avenue with a wrapper. That's the same guy she were wrap'n w/last year at The Second Harvest™ beer party. Disgusting. Jumps over to Jefferson Street Jazz & Blues Festival. Next day to The American Artisan Festival. Goes to check out some band member at Bi-Centennial Park during The Music City Marathon™. I'm sure she got a head trip for him. Viewing architecture. Another SCENE© with the Swinging Eagles in Nashville. Keep on Swinging Dirty Girl™. Hadn't you been here already bitch. There she is @The FRIST™ w/Stephanie. Hanging out with some dude named Scott on Sunday. Mud People @ The Riverfront and in 2005 they moved to a nu location. Labor Day Music and Arts Festival...along the lake. Good she is alone. SCENE© at the ice show, speedway and naked in Chatty. Living in a crack house with Latte Bloomers.
in Nashville, TN.
Jesus! Alert The Athens Clarke County Police Dept. "Nip it; Nip it in the bud, unless its stalking." Going to schools, these people DON'T LOOK AMERICAN. Vomit! Eyes don't like this. Where is she going? Eyes ain't that kind of contractor. Seeing god whoever he/she is only knows. It ain't none of me and my quacky butters business. Taking son
to his first movie and Magic School Bus
. Lets don't leave out The Fab Four (4). OMG she was SCENE© walking across the 101 wearing sluty heals. Eyes hate them. Up to Hoptown, checking out the RyderS then back down dancing and drinking in the streets with these PS no-no's. Out to c her homeys, The b52's YUCK! Out of control. Shit there she is out w/Blondie©. Ain't even supposed to be in Kroger™. Theys called and said don't come to the grocery store you disgusting products of Mr. and Mrs. Mission. Hanging around soup kitchens, dig'n threw clothing. Touring around with The Jerry Garcia Art Show crowd @ The Embassy Suites™. Does the majik show and vanishes w/ Wigley, some dude named Steve and a stinky black bro they call Wayne. Trash! Golden Shower Scene© at the Earth Day Festival. Yawls remember Tammy? News that she was in Lenoir dirty w/old man. The Yam again. Eyes want this itch stop'd. Riding around in the country w/truckers. Hitchhiking. Knotts like eyesI gave her any of the vehicles judge told me to give her. Mother F there she is at Black Expo™ w/ Patti LaBelle in Indy. More lunchtime music and a porn star signing. Another report was "Sugar parties in Kentucky." OMG sheez gone craz"E". Will someone give her a check. Please not out of my pocket. Here's another report stating she was SCENE© in Savannah w/a PHATS™ chick in a Impala. Knottt sure it was Deb, she had long flaming red hair and a tan. Another report, SCENE© in Clarke County w/ black hair. Drinking Starbucks™ with her elderly lady friend at The Veridan™ Attempting to educate Mr. & Mrs. Mission about lifestyle alternatives. What the fuck is in The Metropolitan Archives in Green Hills. Hell there she is looking at a guys ass, KrackAttack. Why don't ya just grab it and run with it slut. Eyes got the mother fucking large house that no buddy will clean, the big dish you don't get famous watching, blab'n kids, the moan'e,(does Henry and Deb know about me and C her yl?), vehicles and the back stab'n friends & family. Hell eyes takes it all. The BITCH is wild. Eyes get NO RESPECT. Whats the lesbian wench doing in the costume store? Peformance Studios Working? Sure she is.
The original Oktoberfest was a celebration of the marriage of the Bavarian King Ludwig.
MIZE LAWYER is..... Dale Perry bar #572785
ZIP 30633
PHONE 706-795-3648
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