said, disgusting waltz'n w/Ozzy.
Every times Eyes snoop inn on the line Eyes hear the stepdaughter complaining about father. Ouch crack'd head, a sexual harassment case and going to Atlanta, GA. Did sam oday get the Lisa letter? One (1)times theys was a bunch of Mexicans hanging around the trailer. Eyes think the kids r a couple of
sandwitches short a picnic myself. Yeah eyes fucked up the handle, yews never worked a day in yews life yews don't deserve it.
“What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?"
Garland 'The Marietta Mangler' Greene
ToddL put a stop to this stepdaughters dark meat Days! Drunk grand paw Harrison died. He left Bertie Mae 4 Thelma. Mize daughter did her dark meat days at the Jefferson Swim'n Pool w/JackieB, rev Stanleys girl was babysitting. uSE gals need a meating sheats. Cheryl don't want Deb babysit'n mize daughter Carmen. Cheryl has tickets.
My boy Brads B married 2 Bonnie Hilton, overweight slob. Claims 2 B a Mormoan. Never had/red a Mormoan Bible. Bonnies mummy is from Michigan, she is a nurse. Brad complains alot about Henry Carroll, that is Cheryls new fuck up. He is a drunk big rig truck driver.
Complains about Deb 2.
Yea theys let drunks drive rigs, addicts drive city buses and me drive nails in my hand with a nail gun Brad. Eyes don't t.hinkle any buddies gonna know eyes be trying to cover up a STD.
All those meds uSE and Carmen take whatz yawls gonna B? Call TStevenson 4 Fat arse Brad he needs HELP! at the last minute he going to the UGA. Hay Fat Arse if uSE hangs out behinds the woods at mize house uSE won't mind hanging out behind The Spring House. If Cheryl calls hear one (1) moore time complaing about Brads sexual preversions. He b trying 2 hang himself, more bang for the buck kid. For gods sake stop drinking Debs breast milk on your cereal in the mournings.
Does this involve CLINTON? Granny gots a trailer.
Don't forget this trick..."Somebody is looking for U." 
Hello, yawls hear that?
T.Dale likes his CUNT bloody.
Yawls reddy 4 a couple of flam'n cocktails?
What is Lisa's Dada ("The Dada philosophy is the sickest, most paralyzing and most destructive thing that has ever originated from the brain of man.")doing with himself these days? OUI uSE remember him? 3 Golden Panties, a couple of finger licking goods and The Pottery has a hole in the wall. Yeah the one who has the problems with Pansys Bulldyke trucking. Lisa and Binny ain't bin seen at the Atlanta Rich's Finale on 5, Jane went 1 time w/Deb and Crabb "e" Charly ain't 2 happy about it. Binny said, "Charles was going 2 bump Deb off."
Retired, watching the squares? Howls that knew glassgow wife and boy doing?
Just 1 more pucker till your next kiss. (osculation)
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