Tuesday, April 15, 2008

All about the Tamm"E"s

It does not take long to find out who is in to "GOLDEN SHOWERS," sniff sniff panties and discarded napkins. Last one, Tamm"E" "Birmingham" theys have re-instated the chain gang.

What is a police baton called in Alabama? Find the answer somewhere in this blog.

A Federal KABOOM site.

Whine, Snitch and Squeal from sun up till sun down at the SA/BOP in Chatterbox, TN.
Yawls had that test ain't U?

Tamm"E" works at TacoBell.Don't miss KY Auto Parts Calls. Tamm"E"is afraid Debs will get pussy from her. She is sew afraid she won't even take a shower. According to mize sources Debs don't wants yers stanking pussy. Thatz the same stanking pussy yews had when Debs left this mourning. Knows matter how much Tamm"E" gives away itz the same amount when Debs gets back in the afternoon. Jon stole Tamm"E"s moan"e". Tamm"E" had a old man, he died. Tamm"E" won't knowhome100@yahoo.com a thing.

Tamm"E" has been denied "SERVICE" a couple of her "keep cum'n back" LIZBO’S messed her up over on the western branch.

What u guys/gals in Clarksville TN can't manage a change of address or is you afraid you'll get a vist from the KABOOM.

Witch can't boom with Tamm"E" forever. OMG drgs.
Tamm"E" don't hear anything.

Whats that package doing on the porch?

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