Moving folks out of shelters into affordable housing that are get'n disability and retirement checks for years on end looks like a great place to start this god forsaken goal. Eyes c all kinds of disabled and retired folks and uSE noSE theys getting checks. Some folks feel thays getting double services by staying in shelters, luckys for uSE the wrong kinds of people notice. While no one disagrees the occasional SR moment and disabled "book keeping" blunder occurs Knotts alot of folks want to c uSE soaking wet on the street corner or in the McDonalds bus shelter or some abandoned park. Folks has to wonder how much of this behavior is self-abasement.
Self abasement is voluntary self-punishment or humiliation in order to atone for some real or imagined wrongdoing. Self-abasement might have a religious aspect for those seeking humility before God, perhaps in the context of monastic or
It also has a sexual and fetish aspect for those people who enjoy erotic humiliation and other related BDSM practices. Examples of self-abasement practices would include self-flagellation, bondage, torture, public humiliation including online humiliation.
In psychology, abasement is associated with shame (rather than guilt) and it is said to involve the reduction of the subject's self-esteem. The notion of abasement can be said to be based in Freudian psychoanalysis.
Could b Mr/MS Health dept "STOP SMOKING" should have a new project. Mr/Ms Stamp dept already have the wildly popular "STOP BATHING AND WIPING YOUR ASS PROGRAM", yellow in front brown in back. Mr/Ms Health Dept will b helping yawls homeless as soon as they get rid of transportation and "wheez" the local HUB.
Speaking of slutz...Eyes and hears wood sirmize prosecutie Faith (Dr. Ruth uRL knott) had a card up his sleeve when it came to that whore Kam and his string of tramps. Who said,"shave" a limited edition. OK he didn't have the balls to just say it, everyone was to get the wright picture. Hears another picture you'll read more about in the original 2004 whineshelter if it is ever seen again.
"Casinos need to stay in business and they can't afford to have pickpockets and whores walking around their parking lot." D.Voelker
This looks like a great school project for an up and coming health d'partment social worker. Eyes don’t think Debs was pursuing family services four-year detour into drug treatment and criminal justice.
Thatz some fantazy eyes had when eyes called Gary "Lexington" Butts and law enforcement.
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