U need to come out of the shower, my friend needs to take a shower. Those are the same funky pajamas you've had on since... I got to make my bed up. I'm throwing your stuff on the floor. U better move it Christa I'm making up my bed. U think I'm a play'r try me. I'm so nasty thats the ways I yam. U gotta move that stuff to make my bed up. Get your ass out of my face, your not moving it thatz how nasty I yam. Linda always got her face up sum buddies ass. I'm throwing it on the floor. U hadn't washed those pajamas in 4 days. Linda sounds confused. She needs to take a bath. I can't stand funky feet. I'm letting my gurl have this bunk. Where is my medicine? I'm not sleeping in here she lied on me. It stinks in hear. I need to take a shower. I'll sleep good tonight. Wares my medicine? Hear she comes now, good. I didn't no u was out there little momma. She is coming out of the shower. It ain't 8 o clock yet. I got to take a shower. I'm putting my stuff over here. I'm taking a shower right quick. Hay, while your in there playing your going to miss out. Is this your dirty sock? I don't want dirty anything. Barb found out Tom Brokaw smoked weed in the sixties. Yawls signed the white flag book? Barb will never trust another news report again. Barb never has got her knew glasses. Dam Barb that was back in the winter. Barb scored a mull-it from the "God is Love" Center. Itz un-official however Lisa Adams has quit smoking. Deb that skirt is 2 big 4 u. Jill wonders why we have history as a subject. I'm not sleeping in here it smells like gas. U bring your sheats inn? Theys missing sheats in here now, bring those inn. Thelma do you have a towel? I'm sleeping on the floor tonite. OK, OK well. My red jacket? Put that in my red jacket I'll need that for tomorrow. Tomorrow is Bobs daughter. Bobs b from Forsyth Co GA. Brenda is his wife, 1 of Binnys sisters. Sheez loves living on the houseboat.
What this? "Might dry out." Good mourning Pam.
Hay come here a minute. U can't leave your shoes in here. At 6 o'clock they throw all the shoes and clothes away. They gone. At 6 o'clock they gone. All my socks is white, I don't wear black. It stinks in here. Do U work? I thought U worked somewhere. Whats wrong with this phone, its getting on my nerves. Sharon? Sharon left. I'm a paramentor now. Its messing up the equilibrium of the house when people leave. mumble, mumble, mumble, mouthful. I truly believe it. Antibiotic? If U going to carry something your carrying it forever. Yeah especially if U don't do laundry and recycle the same clothes. My mother is a nurse. Abbey got it. I'm going to bring U some of that stuff. At work he looked so pity-full, Bill. Pam is a bad influence on me. She up there laughing at the meeting. I just surrendered today, I can't talk about that. Those people from SideWays are not very desirable, thays social skills suck. The longer these people stay in the program the worse thays social skills get. Yawls signed the white flag book? Thays need to work on that. Closed Society. They can't handle diversity, notice hows thays treat the homeless. Jasmine, Jasmin. Will U tell Victoria she better not ever, ever. She came over here pointing in my face, Jasmine. I don't give $20 to nobody. I got to walk somewhere, OTS days. OMG, I love you. I'm going to smoke, your allowed. No I'm not. My time is up, I did my tour of duty. Thats what my sponser... Who left my doughnut on the table? Fuckers I'm eating it, It's mine. I don't know who left that doughnut back there. Wheres she at OTS 1 or OTS 2? They talk about U like a dog when you come in here dirty. Jasmine, your momma. Oh my gosh whose munchin still? Bitch, stupid mother fucker you. U won't lay down stupid mother fucker U. No fair, Doom and Gloom on duty. Yawls signed the white flag book? Get them Jasmine. U feel me? I want to start real early. We need to go to a regular meeting. Will go to the token club. I just want to know where sheez at. She had her shoes off. STOP, she done lost his mind. Put your shoes on or I'm gonna tell your momma. But I was talking about when I leave in the mourning. I will do what I want. This is why I don't have kids. I would be at PW Valley for attempted murder. Tell her to stay out of our conversation. Go to the computer room and play a game. She needs to work don't she? Whats so funny ? C'mon go home. Go to your bed furry little monkey. Hay Debra. What you gonna do now? She pulled my hair. Rip it off slow this time. Ke R a, Ke R a do me a favor. I'll buy you some chips. Go upstairs and get me some water. The fountain is out of order. Momma didn't raise a fool. She told U. I need water to take my medicine. That little girl ain't stupid. Miss NeeC I love U. NeeC complains about snoring at night because the lucky minority can't hear hear her talk all night. Shut the fuck up NeeC and go to sleep. Why these sew called "drug addicted party animals" can't sleep threw a couple of snores is a little more than strange. U think thays just homeless 4 now and need a "better" place 2 stay. Fakes U can talk at the meetings. Ow my eyebrow. Not the same one do that one. Nothing can be stacked in her chair. No No Keep coming back. God sent us back for a reason, we get it this time. Yeah if U shut up long enuff. Its hard out here for a pimp when he is trying to get the money for the rent, on Broadway. I gave him my answer. They should still be in there. That smells good, got a shop'n bag? Ow, No No. All U gotta do is say... Gurl U got a medicine cabinet in there, don't U. I'de be in a funeral home. Keep coming back. Yawl ain't got no pop? All she going to do is say I'm sorry. No Jasmine , No. No pain, no gain ? Is that what she said? It's 8 o'clock. I'm going to tell on U. When she opened the door to the Living Room she said, Hi Alcoholics.
Catholics sold out. T.hinkle the school board is going to put a double wide on the property? La Rona is on vacation. Ignore Not For Residential Use, Funny.
Push the table and chairs back and get your mats. I'm not sleeping on the floor I'm not a dog. You GD bitches I hate everyone of U. Connie U need to come out of that shower, its 9 o'clock. Lights Out! Don't get smart with me. I'm dressed Thelma. I hate U god dam bitches, every one of U. Connie its time to lay down, lights out at 9 o'clock. Anyone seen my blue lighter? U stink old lady. She won't take a bath. Get out of my face, you stink. Linda always has her face in somebodys stink. Somebody stole my blue lighter. Yawls signed the white flag book? Lezlee likes to cook. U can tell when someone cooks, the kitchen looks better, more organized. I had it on the floor. Yawls signed the white flag book? U could cut your hair and give it to kids with cancer. Why? Kids don't know or give ratz ass about me. I may need this hair myself. Yawls signed the white flag book? Kids parents and relatives can grow their own hair out if family is sick. Amazing synthetic breasts are acceptable not synthetic hair.
Get out of the bathroom kidz Deb has the red eye. No itz not
Goodys, everyone gets a trash bag.
Yawls hear that? Thays drag'n thays handbags coats backpacks and suitcases thru the
Hello. Second Shift? Never heard of it. Change is a spook"e" motherfucker. Yawls signed the white flag book? Whatz uRL name honey? Says U never could keep RX drugs in yawls 30529 home? Says thays wouldn't steel the antivert? Sounds like a addict living visting or hanging around your house.
Honey Eyes can't think of anything more attractive than a bunch of aging overwate recovering addicts in hip hop clothing and homeless women in dirty clothing both with pink eye on the streets look'n like thays just bin slop'd.
Thays says Tandy and many like thems is a proud papa.
HAY DOC thays love yours philanthropy butts whenz the hell yawls getting new CLEAN mats Will? PINK EYE was peaking in here in 2004 and thays still laying on the floor of the Yawls signed the white flag book? kitchen. How KOSHER is that doom and gloom?
Pink Eye and a variety of other bugs ain't never checked out and this is 2008.
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